Logo competition

At all schools, students designed possible logos for our Erasmus-project. This logo should represent our topic – and the various subtopics. Some were created on the computer, others were crafted using paper, pen, glue, and more materials.

For the meeting in Germany, the different designs were brought along. Voting took place by each group assigning five points to their favourite design(s). This is the winner:

Off to a bumpy start…

When we started planning our project, back in “the good old days”, we had high-flying ideas about travelling and meeting new friends. Little did we know that a new virus would appear to change our lives…

Now, at the beginning of our project, we are faced with a new reality. The plans that we made three quarters of a year ago seem almost impossible to realize. Travelling right now, especially with student groups, is nearly impossible as numbers of infections are on the rise again.

This is why we have postponed our first meetings. Instead, we are going to be working virtually, for example starting off with our logo competition.